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How to Attract More Bees to your Airgarden

How to Attract More Bees to your Airgarden

Bees have been in the news for a number of years now, and for good reason. Now more than ever, people realise the importance of bees. Why are they important you ask? Well, bees pollinate 1/3 of everything we eat, and play a vital role in sustaining the planet’s ecosystems.

84% of the crops grown for human consumption (around 400 types of plants) need bees to pollinate them to increase their yields and quality. So what can we do to attract these little legends to our Airgardens?

Grow bee-friendly plants

  • Basil - an annual that grows all year round, producing white and pink flowers in late summer and autumn which attract bees.
  • Thyme - a perennial mini shrub that flowers in late summer.
  • Sage - does a good job as a bee attractant
  • Rocket - is actually classed as a herb and also a leafy green. Allowing some rocket to flower and go to seed will encourage friendly insects to visit the garden.
  • As well as Chives, Lavender, Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Mint, Oregano, Parsley and Rosemary 

Create a bee-friendly main garden

Choose plants that will flower at various times of the year and plant in large patches to encourage them to cross pollinate different species and gather in larger numbers. 

Use Eco-Friendly Pest Sprays

One of the most important ways in which we can ensure the health of our bee populations is to ensure we use bee-friendly herbicides, fungicides and pest sprays. We have a list of them in our previous post on insects & pests and leaf disease management.

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