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3 Essential Herbs for you Airgarden

3 Essential Herbs for you Airgarden

If you’re reading this, it’s safe to say you agree that herbs are the most frustrating thing to buy from the supermarket. They are eye-wateringly expensive, lack real punchy flavour, and wilt and have to get thrown in the bin before we’ve had the chance to use more than a few leaves.  

Whether you already own an Airgarden (we love you), are going to buy an Airgarden soon (we love you), or simply have a spot for a few herb pots (we love you too!), we’re sharing our three favourite herbs to grow.


Basil is one of the most popular herbs and can be added to everything like salads, pizzas, pastas, Thai dishes, even to make your own pesto!!

Basil grows super fast in an Airgarden. You can keep harvesting it, it will last for 6-12 months, and you’ll save a tonne of money compared to buying it from the supermarket. Better yet, its flavour is incredible when it’s picked fresh.

There are over 40 different types of basil available, however there are 4 main types we grow in Australia are:

  • Sweet Genovese Basil - an aromatic variety with large green leaves, is great for pesto, to garnish pizzas and salads and has a strong flavour.
  • Thai Basil - a tropical variety of sweet basil and has purple stems, small, narrow, spear-like green leaves and a distinctive aniseed smell.
  • Lemon Basil - as you may have guessed it has a lemon flavour and smell. It’s great for adding to desserts, drinks and stir fry's.
  • Bush Basil - Indigenous Australians have used this for medicinal and ceremonial purposes for thousands of years. European settlers nicknamed it "five spice plant" because it tastes like a mix of basil, mint and sage. It has smaller leaves and a milder flavour than Sweet Genovese.


You either love or hate Coriander, and at $5 per bunch you’d want to love it! Your genes will determine whether coriander has a beautiful lemony, citrus taste, or feels like you are eating a cake of soap.

Coriander is a fantastic herb to grow in the Airgarden, a slow bolting variety can last up to 6 months if taken care of and harvested correctly.

A good slow bolting variety of coriander will grow quite well and as long as you can avoid massive temperature extremes (i.e. too hot or too cold), it won't bolt and go to seed.


Mint is a tough and hardy herb with a beautiful aroma. It can be used in roasts, teas, cocktails and even as a natural mozzie repellent (better smelling than Aerogard!!).

Mint is also a great companion plant for your Airgarden, as it can help to repel cabbage moths and aphids. Did we mention it last for over 12 months?! Imagine how much money you can save when a bunch of mint costs $3 from the supermarket.

There are about 13-18 varieties of the mint plant and some of the commonly used varieties in Australia are:

  • Peppermint- Mentha piperita
  • Spearmint or Curly Mint- Mentha spicata
  • Wild Mint or Banana Mint- Mentha arvensis
  • Orange Mint- Mentha citrata
  • Apple Mint or pineapple mint- Mentha suaveolens
  • Asian Mint- Mentha asiatica
  • Basil mint- Mentha x piperata citrata ‘Basil’
  • Chocolate Mint- Mentha piperita ‘Chocolate’
  • Ginger Mint -Mentha x gracilis
  • Thai Mint- Mentha arvensis ‘Thai’

Whilst we love these three herbs, there are plenty more you can grow in the Airgarden. View our growing guide to see which herbs will thrive best in your Airgarden.

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